2021 AEM / Adobe Experience Cloud-Related Conference Schedule
January 21, 2021Here is the conference schedule for 2021 of AEM and Adobe Experience Cloud related conferences – both online and in-person – that I’m aware of that will be happening this year.
Given that so many conferences had to move entirely online over the past year, I’m sure I’m not the only one that is seriously missing the buzz, the networking possibilities, and the excitement of new releases that one can get only from a big conference. It’s unlikely that anything we’ll go to online this year will capture the magic of a good-quality, in-person conference like the Adobe Summit, but we’ll make up for that this year with the fact that so many of these conferences are free or low-cost – so I’m looking to attend as many as possible!
NOTE: If you have any events, conferences or even relevent technical meet-ups for AEM professionals, please let me know and I’ll add them here!
Conference | Date | Venue |
Adobe Developers Live: Content brings together developers and experience builders — two-day conference featuring important AEM developer updates, such as Headless and GraphQL, AEM as a Cloud Service, technical sessions and community networking opportunities. | 8 Feb-9 Feb | Online – Register Here |
Adobe Summit 2021 Adobe Summit this year will be all-online, and will be a two-day event for North America (no word yet on whether any separate event is planned for Europe). | 27-28 April | Online / Free Register Here |
Evolve 2021 3|Share has, for many years, put on the quite-excellent Evolve Conference for AEM technologists, a conference which has offered both industry presentations as well as training (see my experience at Evolve 2019 here). The jury is still out as to whether this conference will be held this year (it had to skip 2020 due to the pandemic), but I’m putting a place holder in here in the case that they make it happen. | Usually August | TBD |
Resolve2021 An online-only conference being put together to showcase open-source sling implementations such as Peregrine, Kestrel1 and Sling CMS. | May 18 | Register here |
AdaptTo() 2021 The premier technical conference for AEM and Apache Sling, Adapt.to() 2020 was the first (and only) online conference I’ve been to thus far that managed to replicate a real “conference” dynamic online (see my thoughts on last year’s here). A must-attend for all technical AEM folks. Also, they’re planning this as a hybrid conference, so hopefully by September travel will be open to the EU to allow us to meet our German friends! | 27th – 29th September 2021 | Hybrid conference (virtual + location in Germany) More Info |
(and hopefully more!) |