Reddit is for Linux Users?
December 24, 2006Just saw this on the Reddit Blog:
edit: Here’s your reward for scrolling all the way down. OS stats:
75.46 | windows 2000/Xp
9.67 | linux
8.48 | ppc mac os x
3.29 | intel mac os x
1.04 | windows 98
0.28 | freebsd
0.08 | windows 95
That’s some of the highest Linux stats I’ve seen — not even my own sites, that I’m surfing all the time on my FC6 box — have Linux traffic like that. Guess Reddit is what’s in with the Linux crowd! What the hell was I doing over there using Digg then? 🙂
technorati tags:reddit, digg, social, bookmarking
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Thanks for telling
I think more interesting than this is the firefox adoption in 2006.